
Do you know what C40 is?

Hurricane Sandy reminded us of several lessons: 1) The fundamental protagonist when disasters strike is the government, not business. 2) Political conflict becomes uninteresting and counterproductive. People want rescue, immediate help and support to recover and rebuild, not ideologically infused speeches. 3) Governors and mayors of the places ravaged by the disaster are the main … Leer más

David Sanger: «Los ataques con drones aumentaron seis veces desde que Obama asumió el cargo»

19 noviembre, 2012 • English • Views: 1675

Moisés Naím entrevista a David Sanger del New York Times sobre la amenaza nuclear de Irán y las guerras secretas de Obama. No se lo pierda.

David Sanger part one – «The United States is already in a low-level war with Iran»

19 noviembre, 2012 • English • Views: 1943

Moisés interviews David Sanger, Chief Washington Correspondent for the New York Times and author of the new book Confront and Conceal about the nature of the United States’ conflict with Iran, and the potential for its escalation in the future. Watch part 2 here.

David Sanger part two – «Obama has moved to a ‘low-footprint’ foreign policy»

19 noviembre, 2012 • English • Views: 1666

Moisés interviews David Sanger, Chief Washington Correspondent for the New York Times and author of the new book Confront and Conceal about the «Obama doctrine» of foreign policy.

The lessons of Obama’s re-election

8 noviembre, 2012 • English • Views: 1904

  One of the most surprising aspects of Barack Obama’s re-election was how uncertain that outcome was. How could it be that Obama, who only four years ago aroused such enthusiasm across all regions, social classes, races, religions and economic sectors, was now reduced to begging for votes door to door in what looked like …

Journalism that changes the world

30 octubre, 2012 • English • Views: 2025

  David Barboza is The New York Times bureau chief in Shanghai and the author of an article of immense importance recently published in that newspaper. Barboza’s article meticulously documents how family members of Wen Jiabao, China’s prime minister, have amassed an enormous fortune and how their economic success coincides with his ascent to power. In principle, this is …

Demetrios Papademetriou: «No habrá un cambio en el sistema migratorio de EE.UU. hasta que no estemos entre la espada y la pared»

22 octubre, 2012 • English • Views: 1686

Moisés Naím entrevista a Demetrios Papademetriou, uno de los grandes expertos del mundo en políticas migratorias.

Demetrios Papademetriou – «Immigration to rich countries has doubled» (Part 1)

22 octubre, 2012 • English • Views: 1577

Moisés speaks with Demetrios Papademetriou, President of the Migration Policy Institute, about new and surprising trends in the movement of immigrants around the world. Watch part 2 here.

Demetrios Papademetriou – «Migrants will have to become much more mobile» (Part 2)

22 octubre, 2012 • English • Views: 1661

Moisés speaks with Demetrios Papademetriou, President of the Migration Policy Institute, about what the future holds for migrants around the world. Watch part one here.

Bill Sweeney: «It’s getting harder and harder for governments to cheat on election day»

29 septiembre, 2012 • English • Views: 1798

Moisés Naím interviews Bill Sweeney, President of the International Foundation for Electoral Systems. Since 1987, IFES experts have worked in 135 countries, observing elections and providing technical assistance in elections.